
augh Quadgraph

ABCs Singing the Quadgraphs covers the 6 sounds of ough, and eigh and augh with worksheets and more.

ABCs Singing Quadgraph Sounds

Our singing Quadgraph sounds course features 5 video lessons with muted practice video immediately following each lesson to a certain retention. A quadgraph is a single sound represented by four letters such as eigh, augh and ough. Quadgraphs appear in countless words and they are an essential skill for early readers and spellers, as they encounter them in their reading journey.  There are fun worksheets that not only practice quadgraph writing skills but also reinforce the video lessons. Also included are downloadable songs to practice in the car,home or in the classroom.

Course Includes:

  • 1 Growth sticker chart to mark the progress through the video lessons and each worksheet

  • 5 Easy Circle and Write Quadgraph worksheets

  • 5 Easy Write and Match Quadgraph worksheets

  • 5 Say it, Write it Quadgraph worksheets

  • 5 Guess the Quadgraph worksheets

  • Certificate of completion of the Singing the Quadgraph Course

Enjoy our enriching course featuring captivating songs and insightful worksheets, with exciting videos on the way!

Miss Kim’s Recommended Reading List for ABCs Singing the Sounds Courses

Did you know that reading aloud to your child is more than just a delightful bonding experience? Scientific research has consistently shown that regular reading aloud plays a crucial role in enhancing a child's overall reading development. As you engage in the enchanting world of storytelling with your little one, you're not just sharing words – you're laying the foundation for strong literacy skills.

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The attachments:

eigh Quadgraph

ABCs Singing the Quadgraphs covers the 6 sounds of ough, and eigh and augh with worksheets and more.

ABCs Singing Quadgraph Sounds

Our singing Quadgraph sounds course features 5 video lessons with muted practice video immediately following each lesson to a certain retention. A quadgraph is a single sound represented by four letters such as eigh, augh and ough. Quadgraphs appear in countless words and they are an essential skill for early readers and spellers, as they encounter them in their reading journey.  There are fun worksheets that not only practice quadgraph writing skills but also reinforce the video lessons. Also included are downloadable songs to practice in the car,home or in the classroom.

Course Includes:

  • 1 Growth sticker chart to mark the progress through the video lessons and each worksheet

  • 5 Easy Circle and Write Quadgraph worksheets

  • 5 Easy Write and Match Quadgraph worksheets

  • 5 Say it, Write it Quadgraph worksheets

  • 5 Guess the Quadgraph worksheets

  • Certificate of completion of the Singing the Quadgraph Course

Enjoy our enriching course featuring captivating songs and insightful worksheets, with exciting videos on the way!

Miss Kim’s Recommended Reading List for ABCs Singing the Sounds Courses

Did you know that reading aloud to your child is more than just a delightful bonding experience? Scientific research has consistently shown that regular reading aloud plays a crucial role in enhancing a child's overall reading development. As you engage in the enchanting world of storytelling with your little one, you're not just sharing words – you're laying the foundation for strong literacy skills.

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The attachments:

ough Quadgraph (long o or aw)

ABCs Singing the Quadgraphs covers the 6 sounds of ough, and eigh and augh with worksheets and more.

ABCs Singing Quadgraph Sounds

Our singing Quadgraph sounds course features 5 video lessons with muted practice video immediately following each lesson to a certain retention. A quadgraph is a single sound represented by four letters such as eigh, augh and ough. Quadgraphs appear in countless words and they are an essential skill for early readers and spellers, as they encounter them in their reading journey.  There are fun worksheets that not only practice quadgraph writing skills but also reinforce the video lessons. Also included are downloadable songs to practice in the car,home or in the classroom.

Course Includes:

  • 1 Growth sticker chart to mark the progress through the video lessons and each worksheet

  • 5 Easy Circle and Write Quadgraph worksheets

  • 5 Easy Write and Match Quadgraph worksheets

  • 5 Say it, Write it Quadgraph worksheets

  • 5 Guess the Quadgraph worksheets

  • Certificate of completion of the Singing the Quadgraph Course

Enjoy our enriching course featuring captivating songs and insightful worksheets, with exciting videos on the way!

Miss Kim’s Recommended Reading List for ABCs Singing the Sounds Courses

Did you know that reading aloud to your child is more than just a delightful bonding experience? Scientific research has consistently shown that regular reading aloud plays a crucial role in enhancing a child's overall reading development. As you engage in the enchanting world of storytelling with your little one, you're not just sharing words – you're laying the foundation for strong literacy skills.

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The attachments:

ough Quadgraph (ow or oo)

ABCs Singing the Quadgraphs covers the 6 sounds of ough, and eigh and augh with worksheets and more.

ABCs Singing Quadgraph Sounds

Our singing Quadgraph sounds course features 5 video lessons with muted practice video immediately following each lesson to a certain retention. A quadgraph is a single sound represented by four letters such as eigh, augh and ough. Quadgraphs appear in countless words and they are an essential skill for early readers and spellers, as they encounter them in their reading journey.  There are fun worksheets that not only practice quadgraph writing skills but also reinforce the video lessons. Also included are downloadable songs to practice in the car,home or in the classroom.

Course Includes:

  • 1 Growth sticker chart to mark the progress through the video lessons and each worksheet

  • 5 Easy Circle and Write Quadgraph worksheets

  • 5 Easy Write and Match Quadgraph worksheets

  • 5 Say it, Write it Quadgraph worksheets

  • 5 Guess the Quadgraph worksheets

  • Certificate of completion of the Singing the Quadgraph Course

Enjoy our enriching course featuring captivating songs and insightful worksheets, with exciting videos on the way!

Miss Kim’s Recommended Reading List for ABCs Singing the Sounds Courses

Did you know that reading aloud to your child is more than just a delightful bonding experience? Scientific research has consistently shown that regular reading aloud plays a crucial role in enhancing a child's overall reading development. As you engage in the enchanting world of storytelling with your little one, you're not just sharing words – you're laying the foundation for strong literacy skills.

Download the Book List

The attachments:

ough Quadgraph (off and uff)

ABCs Singing the Quadgraphs covers the 6 sounds of ough, and eigh and augh with worksheets and more.

ABCs Singing Quadgraph Sounds

Our singing Quadgraph sounds course features 5 video lessons with muted practice video immediately following each lesson to a certain retention. A quadgraph is a single sound represented by four letters such as eigh, augh and ough. Quadgraphs appear in countless words and they are an essential skill for early readers and spellers, as they encounter them in their reading journey.  There are fun worksheets that not only practice quadgraph writing skills but also reinforce the video lessons. Also included are downloadable songs to practice in the car,home or in the classroom.

Course Includes:

  • 1 Growth sticker chart to mark the progress through the video lessons and each worksheet

  • 5 Easy Circle and Write Quadgraph worksheets

  • 5 Easy Write and Match Quadgraph worksheets

  • 5 Say it, Write it Quadgraph worksheets

  • 5 Guess the Quadgraph worksheets

  • Certificate of completion of the Singing the Quadgraph Course

Enjoy our enriching course featuring captivating songs and insightful worksheets, with exciting videos on the way!

Miss Kim’s Recommended Reading List for ABCs Singing the Sounds Courses

Did you know that reading aloud to your child is more than just a delightful bonding experience? Scientific research has consistently shown that regular reading aloud plays a crucial role in enhancing a child's overall reading development. As you engage in the enchanting world of storytelling with your little one, you're not just sharing words – you're laying the foundation for strong literacy skills.

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